Suffixes / Adverbs of Place – Introduction


Hungarian adverbs of place can be divided into four groups:

-occurrence inside an object
-occurrence on the surface of an object
-occurrence next to an object
-occurrence in a wider area (postpositions)

The fourth group contains the majority of the adverbs of place because the occurrences in the other three are restricted to a specific direction.

It’s important to remember that Hungarian uses suffixes, endings and postpositions instead of prepositions. That is, suffixes behave according to vowel harmony: high-vowel words take high-vowel suffixes, deep-vowel words take deep-vowel suffixes.

That being said, one should start learning the interrogative words relative to these adverbs. Here they are:

Hol? – Where?
Hova? – Where to?
Honnan? – Where from?

Hungarian has three different words for getting information about a specific direction. It is called irányhármasság, that is the three directions phenomenon. Think of the spanish interrogative words Dónde? A dónde? De dónde?

And another thing! Hova? can also have the form Hová? in which the á vowel is at the end of the word instead of the a vowel. Doesn’t matter which you use!

Next time we jump into the occurrences! Be prepared. It is an extensive topic. 🙂

4 comments on “Suffixes / Adverbs of Place – Introduction

  1. Juan says:

    Szia!, many thanks for this blog, it’s simply awesome! I’ve been learning hungarian for a couple of months, it’s a hard language, but I enjoy every moment when I try to learn, read and even say something. I also find hungarian a little bit similar to spanish (my native language)I mean some rules about verb conjugation and of course the interrogative words!!!, anyway I just want to thank you for doing this, it´s been very useful for me!!! In fact, I would like to do the same, cause I´ve found many people on internet that are looking for some hungarian language courses in spanish!
    Ah by the way, a little correction
    Interrogation mark in spanish comes at the begining and at the end of a sentence (¿?) it’s ¿Dónde?, ¿De dónde? or ¿Desde dónde?, ¿A dónde? or ¿Hacia dónde?.
    Greetz from Colombia – Üdvözlet Kolumbiából


    • hunlang says:

      Ante todo muchas gracias por tu mensaje. Me alegro que mi blog te ayuda. No he escrito el principio de interrogación porque este blog ofrece poco en lo que a la redacción concierne. 🙂
      Probaré a mantener el nivel en el futuro también.

      Was it good? I learned Spanish for a year. I needed to look up every word in a dictionary to write this message to you 🙂 So now in English. Thank you very much for visiting my blog!



  2. Juan says:

    Increíble, no sabes cuánto me asustó leer eso en español. My gosh how many languages do you speak??…it just freaked me out!!!! I mean, when I saw that reply on Spanish and how perfectly was written, more than mine, wow, amaizing!!! Many thanks again for your answer and your blog…next time I`m going to write something in Hungarian….un abrazo, saludos


    • hunlang says:

      Well, the “perfectly written” part is due to a dictionary (as I wrote it before). 🙂

      I speak English, Italian and German. Italian is my favourite. I’ve been learning it since I was in kindergarten (literally). But I’m far from speaking English and German like they’re my native language. LOL

      Neked is un abrazo és sok sok saludos! 🙂


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